The Bot Master Course is a basic international certification for those who want to acquire skills in the navigation sector. It is a commercial license that allows you to drive a vessel up to 15 meters in length, both day and night, sailing up to 20 miles from the coast, without tonnage limits.
Practical and theory in yacht seamanship and navigation requires good knowledge of the Inshore Syllabus.
Candidate for Master of Yacht 200GT should possess the same knowledge as Master of Yacht but should must have prior experience on yachts of at least 100 tonnes
documented in a log book or letter from captain or yacht owner signed
and stamped.
Candidate for Master of Yacht 500GT should possess the same knowledge as Master of Yacht 200GT but must have prior experience on yachts of at least 300 gross tonnes
documented in a log book or letter from captain or yacht owner
signed and stamped.